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Thanks for attending Genos LIVE with Richard Boyatzis.
Please see below a variety of resources mentioned in the session.

Resources from Genos LIVE with Richard Boyatzis

You’ve likely arrived here because you viewed Boyatzis’s excellent contribution to Genos Live on February 24 (the recording is available on our YouTube Channel.)

Below you’ll find the various resources referred to in the interview – if there’s anything else you need, please let us know by email.

1. Helping People Change,
the book
by Richard Boyatzis

Richard’s interview on Genos Live drew heavily on his excellent book, Helping People Change. There is no more modern or comprehensive research-based book on helping people to identify and action desirable changes.

You can purchase a hardcover, Kindle or audio version of this must-read resource here.

2. Determining Competencies of Effective Coaches: A Ground-breaking Study

As discussed by Richard in his interview, coaches are certified and assessed based on various competency models, but to date, there are no empirical validation studies against actual performance with clients.

You are being asked to participate in a ground-breaking study to determine the competencies of effective coaches and begin to fill this evidence gap.

Find out more and sign up to participate by clicking here.

3. Personal Sustainability Index

Through a series of reflective questions, the Personal Sustainability Index (PSI) assessment identifies the sources of stress and renewal in your life. Taking a look at how much and how often you engage in each, you’ll get a picture of your own stress/renewal balance.

How does life change when we infuse our lives with sources of renewal? As PSI co-creator Richard Boyatzis puts it: We can think again, love again, and can do all the things that make life worth living.

The Personal Sustainability Index is:

  • Based on decades of science-based research
  • Expertly crafted by renowned Emotional Intelligence researcher
  • Focused on lifestyle, daily activities, and long-term stress, not just acute stress events
  • Your own self-reflective tool to help you ameliorate the impacts of chronic stress
  • Relevant and reusable for years of life-improving personal and organizational work

    Find out more and take the assessment here.

    4. MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course)

    Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence

    Conversations That Inspire: Coaching Learning, Leadership and Change

    Additional resources:
    Get Certified in Emotional Intelligence with Genos International Europe

    Subscribe to Genos LIVE
    Listen to Richard Boyatzis episode on the EI at Work Podcast.

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