Do you need an engaging and energising speaker to kick off your next meeting, or to bring some deep expertise on emotional intelligence, mental wellness, psychological safety or human relations to an upcoming event? If so, there is no better person than Deiric McCann. Deiric brings a unique combination of high energy and immediately and practically implementable ideas into every event he contributes to.


Here’s a selection of topics that Deiric loves to deliver upon all of which can be fine-tuned and adapted to fit the specific orientation of your event:
Emotional Intelligence/Psychological Safety
- How to Immediately Become More Emotionally Intelligent
- The Neuroscience of Emotional Intelligence
- The Link Between Emotional Intelligence and Psychological Safety
- How to Create a More Psychologically Safe Environment
- Selling More with Emotional Intelligence
- Raising Your Self Awareness
- Enhancing Your Natural Empathy
- Connecting with Everyone you Meet
Resilience and Wellbeing
- Change Your Experience of Stress
- Building Focus, Concentration and Inner Calm
- Building Your Resilience with Gratitude
- Defeating Your Inner Critic
- Conquering Worry
- What’s it all about? (personal purpose and vision)
- Finding Your Flow (tapping into flow-mode experiences)
- Connecting for Wellbeing
All of these topics can be telescoped down to a 45-minute Keynote or expanded out to a 60 to120-minute Masterclass format. They can also be strung together into multi-part coherent programs.
Deiric is just as effective online through Zoom, Teams or WebX as he is in-person. As to audience size: whether it’s for an audience of 5 or 5000, Deiric brings the same energy, engagement, and (where appropriate) humour to his deliveries.
GOOD TO KNOW: All our keynotes and presentations are designed to help people take action. Attendees will receive follow up resources in the form of DO THINK ACT sheets and NUDGE videos to help encourage them to implement the learning and development. We also provide free access to our unique apps for journaling for personal development and have a range of mindfulness practices featured on the Insight Timer app.